Letter to your MP about Medicare Billing
You may have some concerns regarding the rising costs of healthcare in Australia. Unfortunately healthcare budgets are constantly changing so its important to stay up to date with with new Local, State and Federal Policies. If you do have concerns regarding the cost of your healthcare you can get in touch with your MP to voice your concerns. Below is a link that you can use to find out who your MP is.
Below is a letter template that you may use in order to write to your MP regarding Medicare Billing. Please note that the content of the letter you send to your MP will be from you. Please ensure you revise the content when using the template below.
Dear MP;
Subject: Investment in general practice
I am a patient of Croydon Medical Centre. I value my GP and the ongoing, high-quality care given to me at my local general practice.
I am writing to express my concern about the rising costs of healthcare that are not reflected in my Medicare patient rebates. The lack of appropriate indexation over many years and investment in general practice patient rebates means I have to pay more to receive the care I need.
The cost of providing services will continue to increase while Medicare rebates continue to go down in terms of real value. I value affordable access to my GP and do not want this access reduced by increased out-of-pocket costs.
It is time to get serious about healthcare. I ask you to commit to increasing my Medicare rebates for general practice as a priority.
Yours sincerely;